I-94 Roadway and Bridges Reconstruction Tri-State to Edens Expressway

  • I-94 Roadway and Bridges Reconstruction Tri-State to Edens Expressway


Client:  Illinois Tollway

Location: Northbrook, IL


Phase II engineering services are required for the preparation of contract plans and specifications and project related permits for the proposed roadway and bridge reconstruction on the Tri-State Tollway, Edens Spur, M.P. 25.2 (Tri-State Tollway) to M.P. 30.0 (Edens Expressway) in Cook County, Illinois.

The work for this project included:

  • Design of landscape and erosion control measures
  • Develop MOT plans
  • Provide pavement markings, delineators, and signage
  • Barrier warrant analyses
  • Rehabilitation of existing pavement and bridges
  • Roadway lighting improvements
  • Utility relocation and protection
  • New drainage structures and improvements to existing systems

Services Provided

d’Escoto provided Phase II Civil Design Services for the I-94 mainline. The primary role being roadway support.  The roadway design was modeled entirely in 3D allowing more efficient creation of the cross sections and a more accurate earthwork number.  As part of the earthwork process d’Escoto created an automatic and error free process to get the data from MicroStation into the format required by the plans.  The information from the model was also shared with other disciplines to aide in their design and help with coordination.

In addition, d’Escoto designed the signage and pavement markings.  Tollway and MUTCD standards were followed when developing the plans, while the Guidesign program was used to create signs not shown in the standards. The pavement marking design was a unique challenge due to an interim condition between two separate construction contracts.